Featured Events

Credit: @larufoto – Luis Antonio Ruiz


We think we’ve discovered what really killed the dinosaurs, or at least tired them out. Comets be damned, the dinos are party animals—or at least we were inspired by them.

Daybreaker, a company that brings pre-work/morning parties to NYC and other cities, threw an epic Earth Day party at the American Museum of Natural History, two weekends ago. The museum probably isn’t our first thought when combined with the word party, but if you’ve been there, you know they’re chock full of learning opportunities. They host many school field trips, so the idea of loud music and dancing is not first and foremost.

This early Saturday morning, Daybreaker changed all that.

The AM dance party movement began in 2013, sparked by bad nightclub experiences and a late night falafel-fueled brainstorm by two Brooklynites. From their first event with 180 friends, the parties quickly picked up speed and became the craze it is now.

This party was all about Party Animals, and they encouraged people to dress the part. With the museum’s Earth Day programming also happening that day, it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend with a bang—anddd some lions, tigers and bears!

Though I did not make it for the first leg (which started at 6am), I did catch the tail end of what looked like silent disco mixed with yoga (‘The Class’ by Taryn Toomey). Everyone looked incredibly refreshed and ready to dance by the time it was done.

We were then ushered through the museum’s wide halls, passing huge exhibits and finally landed in a room with one of the longest dinosaurs I’ve ever seen. Music was blasting, people were dancing, and we were ready to party.

For a solid two hours, the DJs played an interesting music mix that was simultaneously electric and uplifting. It was honestly a bit like if my yoga teacher threw a rave. I didn’t hate it.

To keep the energy up, Daybreaker provided food and drinks from sponsors like GT’s KombuchaElmhurst Milks, MatchaBar and others.

Once you danced all you could dance and got all that energy out, you were free to roam the halls of the museum and discover all of the exhibits they had to offer, including those participating in the Earth Day festivities.

Daybreaker’s events tend to take place on weekdays, so if you’re looking for a way to pump yourself up before work, or just looking for a new workout to try, I’d highly recommend it. They’vegot events scheduled throughout the next few weeks in a ton of cities, so be sure to check out their calendar for the full list. Get out there, party animals!

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