Samsung 837
837 Washington Street
Join us at Samsung 837 with Julie & Dan Resnick, co-founders from @thefeedfeed, as they take the Main Stage to host a panel discussion and demonstration with five nationally renowned Food Social Influencers.
You ‘ll learn what inspires them, how to keep posts fresh (#foodpun), and of course, food photography tips & tricks from these experts. Not to mention, we’ll put their panel of co-hosts (@halfbakedharvest, @abrowntable, @feedmedearly, @meganleevoigt and @amandafrederickson) to work for a behind the scenes glimpse into the experts’ food styling process while they shoot live with Samsung ‘s Galaxy S7. There will be a Q&A session at the end, so come prepared!
Seating is limited. Once Main Stage seating capacity has been reached the event will become standing room only. Seating opens at 6:30pm and the event starts promptly at 7:00pm.