Samsung 837
837 Washington Street
Join us for another Galaxy Fitness Session at Samsung 837. Start off by learning about the Galaxy Watch from a Product Expert to see how it can help optimize both your workouts and cool-downs. Then try it out at trampoLEAN, a top-rated NYC rebounding class.
This class requires every muscle to work in unison. This energizing total-body trampoline workout adds light hand weights and resistance bands to cardio circuits. Be ready to burn calories, tone muscles, and detoxify, while training on a low-impact surface. Learn proper form and good jump technique that will take your fitness to the next level.
Following class, check your Galaxy Watch for a breakdown of your performance and discover how it can help you make the most of your health and wellness.
Please note, all Galaxy Fitness Sessions will begin at Samsung 837. All attendees must meet at Samsung 837 to join the class. This event is 18+ an ID is required.
6:30 pm: Sign in at Samsung 837 and check out a Galaxy Watch
6:45 pm: Brief product presentation in the Main Stage area
7:00 pm: Depart Samsung 837 and travel to trampoLEAN (10-minute shuttle to 37 W 26th St, 9th floor)
7:30 pm: trampoLEAN class begins
8:30 pm: Class concludes; guests return devices