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Downtown Brooklyn

SPRING/BREAK Art Show is an internationally recognized exhibition platform using underused, atypical and historic New York City exhibition spaces to activate and challenge the traditional cultural landscape of the art market, typically but not exclusively during Armory Arts Week.

All artworks in the show are displayed and available for purchase online, giving artists unknown, emerging, mid-career, and beyond a virtual compliment to their tactile exhibition.

Low-cost exhibition space and low-cost entry for art patrons, public, and practioners alike aims to widen the arts audience in New York and broaden the dialog of what constitutes value and economy in a 21st Century city.

In March 2017 over 150 curators premiered new artworks created by over 400 artists, all selected around this year’s central art theme, BLACK MIRROR.

Saturday May 6th
Opening Night 7-10pm

RSVP for Opening Night!

More Here!

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